June 11, 2011

(photo taken by Suze)

It is true.
Breathe Owl Breathe DID play a concert in my backyard on our outdoor stage AND they stayed the night AND they played for us in the morning AND it was the best ever!

we got to have Breathe Owl Breathe play in our backyard because we supported a kickstarter project they are doing to make a children's book and record.

here we are with Micah, Andréa and Trevor

before b.o.b. got here, we prepared.

we fancied up our vintage Fireball so they'd have a place to sleep.
(although jasper requested Trevor sleep in his room on the bunk bed and Trevor obliged, even while jasper slept in our bed with us!)
jasper made sure the honey bucket was ready.
we got the lawn and gardens ready.

we had a stage built at the edge of the woods

we put up the zipline
(and it was a BIG hit, for kids and adults alike!)
(photo by Kirsten)

and then we had a party!
and boy oh boy, what a party it was! 
SO. FUN. !!!

trevor eating pre-show donuts

Chad in one of the capes we were given, sewn by Micah's mom, with an image of the mole that Micah created for the book project.

Jasper in same cape.

Jasper and his friends playing their fiddles post concert with Andréa as back up!

morning after

pure bliss!

after all that fun we were sad to see our friends leave but we knew we would see them all again at Pickathon so we were happy about that.  We had such a fantastic time having our friends experience this party with us and listening to Breathe Owl Breathe on the back yard woods stage.  Thank you friends!  Thanks for celebrating with us and making memories!  We had a hoot and a blast and a magical weekend! 

until next time,