i found this plate at the thrift a few weeks ago. i have been looking for pretty plates to write silly messages on like i have seen on Etsy. this one has pears and cherries so i figured, "Bite Me" was appropriate!
here is the plate without the words
the back already had a hanger on it
i do not own a porcelaine pen yet so this time i used adhesive letter stickers and then varnished with clear matte shellac to finish it off and make it last and be durable for longevity.
i have a few other blurbs i want to try out on plates and dishes but i will wait until i have the porcelaine pen since you can paint or draw whatever you want, bake it in the oven for a few, and then have a new creation made. lots of exciting possibilities with this!
the "bite me" plate is down at the shop for sale.
skiing the Cascades,