Holy Monsters!

I discovered this amazing Monster Quilt over at sfgirlbybay.

Are you dying?!?!

I am! 

The maker, an illustrator and cartoonist named Jillian Tamaki, is teaching herself how to embroider.  This is her FIRST project! 

The detail is amazing!

The colors are Divine!

Her beginners ability is out of this world.  And the subject matter, come on, it's killin me!  I want this quilt!!
Makes me want to pick my embroidery needle back up, and get back to work on my dolls......
OK, I want a monster themed mini quilt in the worst kinda way.

Jillian Tamaki, you're my hero!  Make more, make more, make more!  And sell one to me!

Visit Jillian here.

Off to splash and drip blue paint around in the Fireball,
