These are all items I took down to the antique mall last night! If they call to you, go get em! My space is #23 across from the front counter. Enjoy! And thanks for looking!
red plant stand, indoors or out
doll friends wooden toy
vintage kite string holders
rusty old fan. not working. parts? Industrial/found art project? steampunk art? hmmm...
LOVE these! But they don't fit me. boo hoo. Here is J. modeling them. They do fit him perfectly so they are about a kids size 1-2. I wanna move to Holland ;)
Mortar and pestle
buck bowl
bah, ram, ewe. bah, ram, ewe. Cheese tray and wooden critter shakers.
amazing old vintage tapestry
lovely old toll painted hanging mirror with little wall pocket and rack. we used it it to hold keys and scarves by our garage door entrance. Now it can be yours :)
heavy black cast iron book holder. maybe for recipe books in the kitchen, no?
and last, but not least, oh no, two whatchamacallit molds! You know me, easily awed and distracted by silver and shiny things! Do what ya will with them.....
Going to read myself to sleep, Jennette