Vincent School House, Carnation vicinity, ca. 1915
Vincent Schoolhouse (1905) is located at 8010 West Snoqualmie Valley Road NE,Carnation. says this about it: The small farming community of Vincent is located on the western side of the Snoqualmie Valley south of Carnation. In 1905, residents built a schoolhouse so their children could attend school close to their homes. The school housed all grade levels and included students from many pioneer families in the Snoqualmie Valley. About 20 students at a time attended the school. Teachers were typically hired for two or three month terms in the fall and spring, seasons when parents could release the children from their farming duties to attend school, and milder weather eased travel for the students from outlying farms. The school closed in 1942, but the Vincent Community Club still uses the building for social and community events.
side elevation, Vincent Schoolhouse
So I am kinda obsessed with this building. I love it. I have always loved old schoolhouses, community centers, churches, and barns. I have also always wanted to live in one!
I know. Impractical and strange. But oh, the ideas I have! Before we bought our current house I dragged the family to look at an old church that was for sale in Snohomish. It sat high on a hill and was SO GORGEOUS! Alas, it was not livable nor in our price range so that tiny little dream was put on the shelf. Also, when Gus was an infant, I saw an ad in the Little Nickel for a barn that was for sale. It needed to be disassembled and taken away. I dragged our young family there too, just to have a looksee, and it was so awesome. It was a big old classic barn in Bothell and there was no way in hell we would ever have been able to number each board and beam, disassemble and reassemble that barn. We had to experience, no expertise and nowhere to move it to. But oh how I longed for that old barn. I still dream of one day restoring and living in a historic building of some sort. An old Odd Fellows Hall or Rebekah Lodge would be ideal! There is an old schoolhouse in Port Angeles I have my eye on. Its way up in the hills and overlooking the Strait.
If anyone ever sees the sweet little Vincent schoolhouse go up for sale, I best be the first person you call to tell the good news! Love me some old stuff, I do, I do!
Current photo of my schoolhouse :) Look at that cute little porch.
Can't you see me living here with all my smashing rubbish!
I want to go peek in the windows. So. Bad.
Bye bye sweet schoolhouse. I love you.