Small child size vintage suitcase
vintage half embroidered pillow case
close up. love the faded colors and unfinished-ness of it.
I will leave it as is but make it into a pillow.
soft hand knit baby booties
The Drake Casket Company. A new brush for my brush collection. Strange. But true.
vintage table runner. embroidered at both ends with same scene. perfectly faded blue bird and cherries. Will become a bag and a pillow.
big blue vintage first aid kit box
small orange vintage first aid box
the new Royal blue vintage typewriter
the Remington vintage blue typewriter
vintage blue and green tool boxes
Some, most or all of this loot will eventually end up at M and M. Come check it out or email me if you see anything that strikes your fancy. More photos to come, stay tuned!
What do you collect? What do you buy?
Be awesome!