alchemizing the mystery of *two witches crafting* ...see offerings tab!
*our spirit story = it’s a both/and world, sisters*
within the auric field of a sun drenched clearing lined with 13 monolithic river stones, deep within a dark luscious evergreen rainforest portal of the pacific northwest, dripping with velvet moss and enveloped in mist, lived two venerable earth witches, one with yarrow in her braids and her loyal dog by her side, the other with mugwort in her dreads and her adoring cat beneath her bare feet. these were wise women they say, who had embraced many long illustrious decades as ethereal yet grounded sentient beings full of love and forgiveness.
side by side in their hand hewed, cedar shingled, tin roof cottages, with a massively overflowing medicine garden of shimmering orchards, high vibration food grown from last years heirloom seeds, hundreds of healing herbs and explosions of vibrant fragrant flowers between them, these two cackly elders were blissfully living out the rest of their days in active peace and conscious inter-dependence with each other, the pulsating land, the ancient stone people, the flourishing and tenacious plant nations and the highly attuned wild animals surrounding them ever so benevolently.
as they milked their goats for cheese and soap making, fermented their veggies in great stoneware crocks for kimchee and kraut, tended their sweet honeybee filled apiary, collected pastel-hued chicken eggs among the ferns, brain tanned bow hunted hides, wove baskets from wild foraged flora, fauna and gnarly roots, mended their skirts and overalls, painted their totemic visions, collected pottery clay creekside, mixed batch after bowl of botanical teas and talismans, and roamed the hills and hollows to refill their apothecary, they reminisced about all the good ol’ high times they’d had in the past, cultivating creative collaboration, with a mischievous twinkle in their sparkly wrinkle surrounded eyes.
they giggle-snorted and guffawed heartily recalling that the collaborative culture and reciprocal trust of their creative collusions of long ago began with a mutual understanding, respect and awe for one another’s innate and refined gifts, each desiring to bestow both the diversity and the continuity of their distinct skills in intentionally evocative and untamed myth-streams, song-lines and cosmic dream-time fables and folklores, all honed within the framework of raising families and doing their esoteric soul work, while recognizing full well that the vibration of their individual hand-making was as well a collaboration between Goddess/Spirit/Great Mystery and themselves.
they recollected in hushed whispers of awe, the pooling of their collective perceptions,the bridge of commitment and the expanse of vision that aligned them many moons previous in brewing their veiled-in-secrecy but oh-so-delicious #twowitchescrafting seasonal offerings: to provide rich witchy nourishment, maverick heart thumping beauty, rampant pleasurable restoration, copious unfettered joy, and lavish hand picked inspiration, all conjured through the potential of a wild, strange, mysterious, transformative alchemy that only they and Spirit could summon, spark and dispense each burgeoning season.
they never forgot their tender muse-inspired beginnings, where they grew from, who supported, buoyed and kept them spiritually tethered, how they were generously held, and the beauty of the ebb and flow. they always remembered. and so the story goes….
curious? we are too. it was precisely intentional and full of our love for magic and mystery that we’ve been dropping hints (#twowitchescrafting on instagram) about what will begin in the East this Spring, when the equilibrium of light and dark at the Spring Equinox is at hand, when inspiration, rebirth and new beginnings abound. we’ve wanted to excite your active imagination with what perfectly peculiar and fantastically odd invitation we might make to you, our trusted and trusting dearies. we are exploring together, calling on you, our enchanted allies and exquisitely subversive friends, what a kept-mostly-secret spectacular seasonal offering: spring equinox, summer solstice, autumnal equinox, winter solstice, might activate and amplify as, season to season.
in keeping with bending assumptions, reciprocated mystery and our love of divine ambiguity, we will not be revealing the exact package contents on our VERY LIMITED EDITION curated boxes but you can expect distinctive, one of a kind, hand made and found objects from each of us. for jennette’s part, among other bespoke treasures and surprises, you can expect an exclusive piece of pottery, not to be released or sold at any other time, which will be unique and special to each seasonal invitation and never exactly duplicated. for lindsay’s part you might anticipate small batch hand blended teas, elixirs, honeys and uncommon accoutrements to tantalize your senses. your box will be gorgeously and generously packaged by lindsayso as usual you can expect excellence, allure and delight in the ambrosial unwrapping experience ahead of you. of course, it’s your call, but do know that you can purchase one season or opt in each time as we envision the pieces, both the pottery and the other remarkable regalia and paraphernalia, fitting together in a way that creates a story, as well as a set of utensils, tools and findings, centering on tea witchery, ritual, herbs, elements, honey and enchantment.
gathering together the wild and the strange...
on sale date will be on the Spring Equinox, Sunday March 20th, at 9am pst on lindsay's website!
List price: $145 to include shipping and handling
we are humbled and grateful to be surrounded by such a loving and generous community. thank you!