here a chicken, there a chicken, everywhere a chicken chicken! last year on mother’s day i got a wild hair and decided our chickens needed a new coop, with chandelier and all. our old coop was too far from the house and water source so we divided our wood shed in half and I got to work. you can see that i do my best work with a mimosa nearby! i had an old screen door that no longer had any screen so i stapled it with chicken wire. and i had an old cubby hole nesting box thing on the side of the house holding potting supplies so that went in . a few roosts and lots of chicken wire later, a new coop was born. the bones were done in one day with minor additions over the next couple days. the painted signs on the side of the shed came from the woods near our old house where I found them and drug them home. the 6 arm chandelier was cheap from a tag sale and my teenagers practice graffiti and spray can tagging were covered with paint. although my girls free range all day and give us the best eggs around, they love their cozy home and so do i.